Revive Your Confidence, Regrow Your Hair

Experience the transformation with our hair restoration services. We focus on bringing back not just your hair, but also the confidence that comes with it. With advanced techniques and personalized care, we help you reclaim a fuller, healthier look that feels truly you.

Revive Your Confidence, Regrow Your Hair

Experience the transformation with our hair restoration services. We focus on bringing back not just your hair, but also the confidence that comes with it. With advanced techniques and personalized care, we help you reclaim a fuller, healthier look that feels truly you.

Hair Restoration PRP

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) injections are a non-surgical treatment often used in conjunction with other hair loss treatments to stimulate hair growth and rejuvenation. PRP injections are usually performed as a series of monthly treatments followed by less frequent maintenance treatment sessions. PRP injections generally cause no social downtime and gradually work over a period of months.

The science behind it is simple. Our blood has two main components: red blood cells and plasma. In turn, our plasma consists of white blood cells and platelets. Both of these are rich in growth factors that stimulate skin cell regeneration. Harvesting PRP and injecting it into targeted areas promotes collagen growth to smooth wrinkles and improve skin tone and texture. When used for alopecia, it promotes new healthier hair growth.

What Is PRP Hair Restoration?

PRP hair restoration is a hair loss treatment that utilizes platelets, a major component of your blood, to stimulate hair growth. Platelets are blood cells that play a crucial role in the body’s natural healing process by releasing GROWTH FACTORS, stem cells and proteins that promote hair follicle health. 

A small amount of blood is taken and processed to concentrate the platelets. The concentrated platelets are then injected into the scalp at the site of hair loss or thinning. PRP injections for hair loss typically involve multiple sessions over a period of several months.

Benefits of PRP Hair Restoration

Platelet-rich plasma injections can has been CLINICALLY PROVEN to treat patterned hair loss, also known as androgenic alopecia, in men. Benefits include:

  • Improved cell growth for healthier hair follicles
  • Increased number of active hair follicles
  • Improved hair follicle thickness

What to Expect from Your PRP Hair Restoration Treatment

To prepare for your PRP treatment, avoid using hair products such as gel or hairspray for 3 days prior to your appointment. Do not use tobacco, alcohol or caffeine at least two days before your procedure. These substances decrease your body’s ability to heal and may affect your results.

PRP therapy for hair loss is a three-step process. First, your medical provider will draw a vial of blood and place it in a centrifuge. The centrifuge separates the platelet-rich plasma from other components found in your blood. 

While that’s happening, your provider will apply a local anesthetic to prevent any discomfort. Then, they’ll inject small amounts of the platelet-rich plasma in a pattern across the treatment area, evenly distributing the PRP. 

What to Expect from Your PRP Hair Restoration Treatment

To prepare for your PRP treatment, avoid using hair products such as gel or hairspray for 3 days prior to your appointment. Do not use tobacco, alcohol or caffeine at least two days before your procedure. These substances decrease your body’s ability to heal and may affect your results.

PRP therapy for hair loss is a three-step process. First, your medical provider will draw a vial of blood and place it in a centrifuge. The centrifuge separates the platelet-rich plasma from other components found in your blood. 

While that’s happening, your provider will apply a local anesthetic to prevent any discomfort. Then, they’ll inject small amounts of the platelet-rich plasma in a pattern across the treatment area, evenly distributing the PRP.